CISV Hacks: Dropbox.

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Next to NGOYSK (NGOs you should know) this is a new section here at CISV From The Balcony, where I'll be presenting software, websites or web applications that I think could be useful for working for CISV.

Just a few weeks ago I discovered Dropbox and started loving it: I know those of you who work in official international CISV committees have access to Microsoft Sharepoint (more on Sharepoint covered over here), but others maybe working within CISV in not so official roles - Now, what is Dropbox: It's basically a software and a service that lets you share documents in fodlers with your friends or co-workers. The nice thing is that it installs itself as an application, that keeps quite in the background, and you don't even notice while it's syncing and backuping everything with the web, and even keeping older versions available through the website itself.
So next to CISV it may also be quite useful for your master thesis...?

Go check it out:

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1 Comment

the app and especially this new section! great nick!

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This page contains a single entry by Nick published on April 20, 2009 10:31 PM.

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