Berners-Lee on data.

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I've talked about using data within CISV before and received a bit of criticism in the comments thread regarding effort, usefulness and practicability. But, I'm still convinced that there's more in it for CISV.

Here's Tim Berners-Lee (yes, AKA the inventor of the internet), talking about how govenment data can be used to generate mash-ups:

And here's a friendly reminder that all the hosting data Bebbe gave me is available online and available, if anybody out there is in a mash-up mood.
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I'm not huge on the mashup thing, but I couldn't resist taking a look at the data. I posted a few graphics over at but it's nothing revolutionary.

Hey Henning, thanks for those graphics - I especially like the world map, which shows anybody at first glance which countries are the G8 of CISV.

Now, since you mention economic data - I've long been interested to see, whether there is any correlation between GDP/person and CISV performance. GDP should be something available easily, and CISV performance could be measured in the BI.

The one thing I'm worried about, is that the yeasrs 2003-2008 aren't going to tell us that much, because CISV has remained rather static. The same ole countries have hosted the same kind of programmes. Summer Camp and IPP grew a bit, Mosaic came into the picture, but nothing really revolutionary.

I'm hoping to add more numbers before 2003 soon, so then we'll be seeing some more interesting dynamics.

One could also easily make a "market penetration" picture showing CISV participation per overall citizen. :)

The data mining of CISV data is definitely something the organization should put some money into...

More in general we should really have a task repository (marketplace) in which committees and NA could put request for project and volunteers could sign up and offer the service for some price...

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