Mid Way Meeting 2009.

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Every year the bosses of CISV (IEC=International Executive Committee) meet with the International Office staff  in Linden Hall, Newcastle for a mid-way-meeting. Rumours say, that men are required to wear ties in that location...anyway, the minutes have recently be published, so I'd like to highlight some of the stuff discussed there:

- the IEC doesn't see any evidence of CISV being hit by the global financial crisis. That's good, but we'll have to see if this may change.
- Hosting numbers in 2007 and 2008 are stable. Is that good? I think they should be growing! Yet, the global hosting plan - invented a few years ago - which gives the regions responsibility to stabilizing numbers seems to be showing some effect.
- I find it interesting that a whole bunch of NAs owe CISV International money, all in all more than 100.000 GBP. The debts of Slovakia, however, that hasn't participated since 2005 were abated.
- The new strategic plan, running from 2010 to 1012 will be presented and discussed during AIM. In the agenda you can find two sessions reserved for "Open Space" - which will give anybody participating at the AIM a chance to give input. I really enjoyed the Open Spaces during the AIM in 2004, that generated the current Strategic Goals.

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