The facebook generation.

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Back in the days of the IPP committee - thanks to our geek-member Fred - we were usually one step ahead, technology wise - at least we tried: We had a weblog before everybody else. We were all members of Orkut (that was before Facebook) and we had an IPP-Wiki (that was full of spam, doh!) and we had virtual meetings in a special chat room. However, not always did those new gadgets readlly improve what we were doing.
It's fun to see that the new generation of CISVers are so media-wise (not like us idiots), they can actually make use of all the great tools of the web. Best example, the following video featuring JBcommunity:

(Did you see the screenshots of CISV Devils and CISV Shirts?)

I once thought that e-mail must have been a quantum leap for the international work of CISV, in fact I can't imagine how it must have worked in the old days (loads and loads of faxes, and probably some more phone calls, and probably more thinking about what is important and what not). Unfortunately, I'm not really sure where to see this ease in communication reflect in the work of CISV? The output (number of camps, number of participants) obviously hasn't "leaped". Will the new generations Facebookers (term by The Economist) make this leap happen? My guess is that all those new opportunities on the web dilute those things that are really useful...

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1 Comment

Sometime I question the ratio effort/results... I would like to know more about this to give a positive comment.

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