Online Conferencing.

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During my time in the IPP committee we started doing regular chat meetings - we called them VTMs: Virtual Taskforce Meetings. Too my knowledge, they're still doing it today, and other teams in CISV have followed. However, chats are quite slow, hard to follow, and most people start doing things on the side as not to wast time.

Of course there's a ton of software out there, that can make virtual meetings much better, many of which are quite expensive. They include videoconferencing, sharing of files, presentations and even virtual whiteboards. Personally, I have no experience with any of these but WebEx seems to be a good solution at reasonable cost. Click on the 3min tour to get an idea, what it can look like. Cost seems like nothing, if compared to real-world meetings, though.

A more low-tech solution for video-conferencing - without the magic but free - is offered by tge German startup Sifonr.

CISV Germany has conducted an online meeting recently, where one of the board members gave a virtual presentation and others chipped in - I see some potential there.

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