AIM over.

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Just a few days ago I came back from Indonesia. AIM was truly fantastic - it was the first time since 2005 that I had taken part from beginning to end - and I'm very much motivated and inspired. So many great people, interesting people, and motivating ideas, great home staff... Of course not everything was great, and, as you might have guessed, I couldn't keep my mouth shut and broad-casted my point of view on a few issues instead: If you haven't discovered out News Of The AIM (short: NOTA) website yet, it's a great chance to catch up with what happened in Bali, for example by reading the daily summaries. If you're more interested in opinionated peaces, try the Corners:

Here's my take on international JB.
I quesioned the role of the board.
A call for a virtuous circle
My idea on how CISV could grow
A look at life/work balance during AIM.

Running the NOTA project was also great fun, we had a motivated team, and it was interesting to figure out, how modern media can help CISV get the message out to its members. Currently we're evaluating and compiling a report, which you can be sure to find here for discussion.

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1 Comment

I just found this comment from Lars K on an earlier article on Twitter/AIM:

"I move to have CISV FTB present at AIMs reporting and putting critical commentaries online during the meetings."

There, you got it. Hehe.

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This page contains a single entry by Nick published on August 11, 2011 3:38 PM.

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