Editorial Note: Sammelsurium*.

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During the past few posts I've noticed that I've started applying a standard rhetoric here on FTB, that always starts with a look into the past, continues with some recent development, and ends with a suggestion how to change things for the better. I hope it doesn't get to boring, because it seems the most logical style.

Also, thanks to everybody who promoted my project here at AIM, I've noticed tons of visitors from Guatemala. Hopefully the upward trend continues.

The facebook group now counts 198 fans, which is great. Some people seem to read the posts completely in their facebook accounts, which is ok. However, it's a bit weird, that some people comment on the original website, and others in facebook. I'm not sure what to do about it, because obviously, I'd like to have all comments united. Obviously not everybody has a facebook account, so "open commenting" will be the main focus. Even if I do respect that people prefer posting comments "behind the facebook walls" instead of in "public", I'd prefer if you guys were posting to the open website.

*Sammelsurium is German for miscellaneous.

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1 Comment

I suggest to disable commenting on facebook if is possible... I wouldn't like to loose piece of discussion even if I could go to both pages...

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This page contains a single entry by Nick published on August 10, 2009 12:15 PM.

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