Gaby would disagree.

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Here's an interesting article discussing whether CEO's of non-profit organisations earn to much over at GOOD magazine.

Did you know that the CEO of Heifer International gets paid $236,881 a year? Or that the CEO of ACCION International makes $210,000? Neither did Slate reader Lester, who sent a letter to the "My Goodness" column ("Advice on how to make the world better") asking if he should continue to donate to his favorite charities knowing that the CEOS make "offensive" amounts of money.
The article also links to a list of highly-successful charities with very low CEO salaries. I haven't heard of any of these, but, I guess these are the ones we could probably learn from.

What about IO. Are we paying too much for our employees? In the budget for 2008 I found 230.000 GBP, which translates into 30 GBP per international participant per year. Would we be able to attract the same kind of people to work for us with lower salaries? Would we be able to sustain our organisation by reducing the number of employees?

I personally think that IO has made huge progress in the last 10 years in quality of work and efficiency.  Also we have been able to retain great people at IO. Which doesn't mean things could be even better, of course. The best solution however, would be, if we could increase the number of participants - with 15.000 participants (twice as many) the share would go down to 15 GBP per person.

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