CISV Devils now officially retired.

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Closing down the CISV Devils' website in a smart way turned out to be a little more work than anticipated. I redesigned the welcome, the archive and the about page - made sure that the even an idiot visiting this page realises that the Devils have retired. I also put a search box on the top of every page, and moved this sideblog to its own page. I guess I'll keep the comments open until the first spam comes in, and then close the comments forever (I hope that's easy...).

I also posted a link to this website, and I'm curious how many visitors will show up.

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i just don't get it. WHY did you close it?

Please read, what I wrote under:
If you diasagree, please let me know.

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This page contains a single entry by Nick published on January 5, 2009 2:56 PM.

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