Absolut Picknick is the virtual design- and thought-factory of Nick T., 26, currently at home in Basel, Switzerland's warmest city.
I am a member of the Freiburger Think Tank, which developed projects like botanarchie (a new philosophy of plant anarchy), flicks (a film club) and EMwette (a fun betting system for the European soccer championship 2004).
The Weblog is kept in German (for many reasons) and there is strictly no specific topic or red line it follows - apart from the fact that it displays thoughts, impressions, ideas and pictures of my life.
Please click on "art & design" below to view a selection of my designs, mostly logos and t-shirts. I also like to do webdesign, examples can also be at this website. My old personal website was called T-Sign, which can be viewed here.
I have no affiliation with Absolut Vodka, yet I admit that their ad campaign inspired me. I do regret that Absolute Beginner dropped the first part of their band name.
(currently unavailable)
Art & Design (96-03)
Lost Coast (5/02)
Bay to Breakers (5/02)
Joshua Tree Park (2/02)
A Day in San Francisco (11/01)
11/01/2001 - 11/30/2001
12/01/2001 - 12/31/2001
01/01/2002 - 01/31/2002
02/01/2002 - 02/28/2002
03/01/2002 - 03/31/2002
04/01/2002 - 04/30/2002
05/01/2002 - 05/31/2002
06/01/2002 - 06/30/2002
07/01/2002 - 07/31/2002
08/01/2002 - 08/31/2002
09/01/2002 - 09/30/2002
10/01/2002 - 10/31/2002
11/01/2002 - 11/30/2002
12/01/2002 - 12/31/2002
01/01/2003 - 01/31/2003
02/01/2003 - 02/28/2003
05/01/2003 - 05/31/2003
06/01/2003 - 06/30/2003
07/01/2003 - 07/31/2003
08/01/2003 - 08/31/2003
09/01/2003 - 09/30/2003
10/01/2003 - 10/31/2003
11/01/2003 - 11/30/2003
12/01/2003 - 12/31/2003
01/01/2004 - 01/31/2004
02/01/2004 - 02/29/2004
04/01/2004 - 04/30/2004
05/01/2004 - 05/31/2004
07/01/2004 - 07/31/2004
08/01/2004 - 08/31/2004
09/01/2004 - 09/30/2004
10/01/2004 - 10/31/2004
11/01/2004 - 11/30/2004
12/01/2004 - 12/31/2004
01/01/2005 - 01/31/2005
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Last template update
June 14 2008 08:00:34 AM